Departing the traditional keynote and presentation model, the Summit is intended to be a dynamic and generative experience, comprised of interactive sessions that will include engaging conversations and diverse perspectives, and foster new insights and connections. The summit will feature a headliner or feature panel to set the state and spark interactive dialogue via thought-provoking roundtable formats. Attendees will jointly generate new understanding and ideas via well-facilitated conversations that provoke learning, sharing, and connectivity and define actionable steps to advance post-summit opportunities for innovation.


The full-day summit will be a time for connection, interaction, and collaboration with peers from across the agri-food workforce ecosystem. The event is centered around break-out sessions that will build deeper connections and develop plans for inter-organizational collaboration focused on three pre-identified themes. The themes are considered systemic in scope – they impact the future success of Illinois’ entire agri-food system and are shared across a broad consortium of organizations and stakeholder groups.

Participants will be invited to collectively understand issues related to the chosen themes and share insights, priorities, and ideas for building cross-sector solutions. Attendees will break into small roundtable groups for facilitated discussion using guided question prompts. 


For 60 minutes, each group will explore the following questions broken across three segments: 1. case for change, 2. vision for change, and 3. action for change. The remaining 30 minutes will be spent for group share outs across all roundtables.


1. Illinois has a rich history in contributing to global food and agriculture innovation

2. Illinois is one of the only states that represents every aspect of the agri-food value chain – vibrant scene and heavy players from farm to fork

3. Illinois/Chicago should be the center for innovation that draws a world-class workforce in agri-food

4. It’s important to connect groups that otherwise wouldn’t engage with each other to holistically and comprehensively examine and develop statewide cross-sector collaborative strategy


1. Promote & Recognize: Acknowledge the profound impact of changing workforce dynamics and how these forces will impact Illinois’ agri-food system.

2. Inform & Strategize: Bring together statewide leadership within a neutral environment to inform and develop ideas and strategies that are cross-sector and collaborative.


1. Connection: Create space for dialogue and relationship building between folks who don’t interact on a regular basis.

2. Education: Provide new information, lessons learned, or best practices to attendees on relevant, systemic issues.

3. Recognition: Recognize successes and innovative efforts already underway.

4. Ideation: Discuss and develop new ideas or answer key questions that will inform future efforts.

5. Production: Co-create collaborative strategies with attendees to advance cross-sector action.